Thursday, January 31, 2008

Netiquette Rules

Do you know all the rules for internet etiquette? I found a helpful article by Justin Smallbridge with netiquette helpful hints. Here are some valuable rules he highlighted: Shrink your vocabulary, it's okay to express emotion but keep your anger in check, and do not use all capital letters. Capital letters indicate yelling and there is already enough of this in the real world. A few acronyms are presented such as WYSIWYG- What you see is what you get. For a chuckle, there are examples of how to respond to arguments with rock-n-roll comebacks! To view this appropriately titled journal article "Always Let the Lady Download First" go to:

Smallbridge., J. (1995). `Always let the lady downloads first...'. Canadian Business, 68(5), 10.


colleen said...

Is it online? Can you provide the link?

Marcy said...

Cole..Unfortunately it isn't online but rather a Scholarly Jouranal. You can read it by searching on one of Fletcher Library search engine. Use the title provided. It is a short article to read.

colleen said...

Bummer. Information yearns to be more accessible too ;)

Marcy said...

Cole, I found a link to the same article in which you can easily access. You will find it at